Saturday, January 14, 2012

Stressful Situations

The C-Prime bracelet has proven to have other effects which continue to surprise me..... The latest thing that I have noticed is that during recent stressful situations I have been able to remain relatively calm in the face of a lot of turbulence .... I usually try to control myself and the situations around me or at least my reactions to the situations around me, but recently it has been even easier to remain the calm in the center of the storm..... A weird almost surreal calmness that makes it easier to think and analyze ...... I am attributing this to the C-Prime bracelet as that is the main change recently......
My mornings continue to be fantastic as I continue to awake more refreshed than mi have for years....this has been my experience from day one of using the C-Prime bracelet, I would say that alone is worth the 'price of admission' as it makes the rest of m days that much easier....
Thus far C-Prime continues to amaze...... I am not sure how it works it just does

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Effects on Workouts

The C-Prime trials continue.....over the past few days since my last port I have gone though three separate workouts ate the gym, and there was a noticeable effect on my workout was on my weights day where I run 2 miles then do 45 mins to a hour of weights .....well I knocked off about 10-15 seconds off my 2 mile run, getting the run down to 15:35 which by the way was my fastest in years....but funny part was it was not as hard as I thought it should have been.....the weight lifting portion of the workout was still challenging because I really go at it, but I have more energy and recovered quicker with less soreness.....all I'll a positive C-Prime effect....the next day was my 'long distance' run day where I run a 10k(6.2 miles), to my amazement this was most effect on my workouts so far as I easily knocked off several minutes of my usual time and did it fairly easily....I was totally shocked...what a rush! This C-Prime thing is awesome, don't know exactly how it works but it does.....!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

So Far So Good....!

This is already day 5 of my C-Prime test and things are still good.....waking up in the morning
refreshed and ready to go, more energy throughout the day and just a greater sense of overall well real test will be tonight when I finally make it to the Gym for a good workout, should be interesting to see what effects the C-Prime has on me....!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Two Days......!

The first two days of my C-Prime Challenge have been very interesting so far.......I have noticed a definite improvement in waking up in the morning refreshed and with more energy, but at night not that great an improvement in my ability to stay up late, especially after a meal...... I guess even C-Prime cant a keep me awake after a big meal as I lounge in my recliner looking at TV, but in all fairness this is only after a couple of days of wearing the C-Prime bracelete........
There is a definite improvement in my balance.......this is most noticeable as I do my daily Tai Chi, there are certain moves that would be very challenging to do but with my C-Prime bracelet I am able to easily do those moves while maintaining my balance....real Tai Chi moves seem more smooth and relaxed........I ran three miles on New Years morning, I have a tradition of running three miles every New Years Day morning so that I can say I exercised/ran at least once that year..... well that morning run was just OK, still very tough since I don’t like running in the morning ..... I didn’t notice any effect from the C-Prime bracelet on my endurance or speed during my New Years run, so time will tell on the effects on my running and other exercises.....
I did the balance test that I saw in the C-Prime website videos on my son and it was totally amazing! It happened exactly a shown on the video.....without the C-Prime bracelet i was easily able to pull him over by pulling down on his hand, then when i put the C-Prime bracelet on him I pulled down on his hand and was unable to pull him over, in fact a pulled myself off the ground trying to pull him me that should convince most people of the effectiveness of the C-Prime bracelet.....
There has been another effect that was unexpected..... i think that i have been at ease and tolerant of the people around me, a lot of things that people in my family do that usually get on my nerves I am now more able to overlook and tolerate.... only a slight difference but a welcome one as this tolerance makes life easier and less stressful on me....those of you that are married and have teenagers know what i mean....
Its been two full days going on number three so far I would say that the C-Prime bracelet is a good investment with definite positive effects on me physically with some unexpected positive mental far i would rate C-Prime an A+ ...................!