Saturday, January 14, 2012

Stressful Situations

The C-Prime bracelet has proven to have other effects which continue to surprise me..... The latest thing that I have noticed is that during recent stressful situations I have been able to remain relatively calm in the face of a lot of turbulence .... I usually try to control myself and the situations around me or at least my reactions to the situations around me, but recently it has been even easier to remain the calm in the center of the storm..... A weird almost surreal calmness that makes it easier to think and analyze ...... I am attributing this to the C-Prime bracelet as that is the main change recently......
My mornings continue to be fantastic as I continue to awake more refreshed than mi have for years....this has been my experience from day one of using the C-Prime bracelet, I would say that alone is worth the 'price of admission' as it makes the rest of m days that much easier....
Thus far C-Prime continues to amaze...... I am not sure how it works it just does

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